As the countdown begins for the demolition of Noida’s Twin Towers, constructed by Supertech, the Gautam Budh Nagar Chief Medical Officer’s office has released a health advisory for residents in close proximity. The advisory aims to caution individuals about potential health risks arising from the dust and fumes generated during the building demolition.
Due to the demolition process, a substantial amount of dust will be released, posing health hazards if inhaled. Consequently, approximately 5,000 residents from Emerald Court and ATS Village societies near Supertech Twin Towers in Noida have already been evacuated before the scheduled demolition at 2:30 pm today.
The health advisory outlines key symptoms to monitor following the building demolition:
1. Burning sensation in the eyes, nose, and face
2. Body ache
3. Tightening of the chest
4. Irregular heartbeats
5. Difficulty in breathing
6. Excessive coughing
7. Runny nose
8. General uneasiness
9. Stomach ache
Precautionary measures to take:
– Close all doors and windows.
– Clean the house floor using a vacuum cleaner or a wet cloth to prevent dust accumulation.
– Change bedsheets and pillow covers post-demolition, preferably washing them.
– Ensure clean hands and nails before eating.
– Wear a face mask and protective eyewear to prevent dust exposure.
Things to avoid:
* Keep doors and windows closed during and after the demolition.
* Refrain from eating or drinking without ensuring clean hands and nails.
* Avoid dining outside.
* Resist nail biting.
* Stay indoors and avoid outdoor activities.
Dr. Sanjith Saseedharan, Consultant and Head of Critical Care at SL Raheja Hospital (Mahim), a Fortis Associate, warns that the demolition process releases silica dust, lead, and asbestos due to the crushing of concrete and other materials. This can lead to various health issues, including skin-related conditions, increased cough and cold, especially in children and individuals with allergic disorders or reactive airway diseases such as asthma.